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Tukko v1.1 Offer, Team Synergy

Document Offer
Author: Ali Muneeb & Andreas Kjersheim
Version: 1.0
Date: 23.2.2024

Client: Combitech ltd.

Following your request for an offer, we're excited to present our proposal to enhance the Tukko traffic visualizer with advanced features. Guided by our product owner, Reima Parviainen, and discussions held between January 15th and January 26th, we've outlined a plan.

Tukko v1.1 is slated to receive significant enhancements, bolstering its capabilities to better serve your needs. Through the addition of features such as comparing different LAM stations side by side, visualizing analyzed data in user-friendly formats, implementing web app accessibility measures, and more, our aim is to elevate the Tukko visualizer to new heights, aligning it closely with your operational requirements and strategic objectives.

1. Object of the Tender and Procurement Situation

We propose to enrich the Tukko traffic visualizer with the following features:

  • FEA 101: Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side
  • FEA 105: Implement Web App Accessibility Measures
  • FEA 106: Improve Dark Mode Colors
  • FEA 110: Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness
  • FEA 112: Change Branding to Team and JAMK Brand
  • FEA 304: Localization for Swedish
  • FEA 305: Localization for Norwegian
  • FEA 403: Regularly Scan for Known Security Vulnerabilities
  • FEA 404: Enforce Secure Coding Practices
  • FEA 405: Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline
  • FEA 406: Harden All the Containers
  • FEA 407: Control Access to the Server
  • FEA 409: Protect Application with Web Application Firewall
  • FEA 516: Manual Testing
  • FEA 517: Maintainable Documentation

For detailed specifications, please refer to the requirements specification.

2. Objectives, Requirements, and Proposed Solutions

Preliminary MockUp-prototype layouts for Tukko v1.1

Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side (FEA101)

Feature FEA101 mock-up

FEA304 & 305 Language selection & Initial accessability menu FEA105 and FEA 110, FEA112 JAMK & Synergy branding

Use the following link to visit the Figma design and prototype workspace (Click here!)

Alternatively, visist our teams pages for an embedded version (Click here!)

FEA106 Improved Dark mode colors

Visit the feature documentation for our initial dark mode mockup!

FEA105 Web App Accessibility Measures

A visual prototype is not yet constructed, but the ideas and plans for such can be found within the feature documentation. link here

Delivery and Release Plan

We will follow an Agile Scrum model tailored to suit the needs of the project. Phasing and timetable details are provided in Annex 2, containing the Roadmap, Feature Pricing & Preliminary Project Cost.

Key Steps:

  • E1: Signing of the project agreement and commencement of development. This stage will involve intensive planning and requirement gathering sessions to ensure a clear understanding of project objectives.
  • E2: Finalizing testing plan and initiating testing procedures. This phase will focus on comprehensive testing methodologies to guarantee the reliability and functionality of the Tukko v1.1 enhancements.
  • E3: Conducting trial operations and user acceptance testing. User feedback will be actively solicited and incorporated to refine the product further.
  • E4: Commissioning of the fully enhanced Tukko v1.1 traffic visualizer. The final product will be deployed and made accessible to end-users, marking the culmination of the project's efforts.

Preliminary test plan details are available in Appendix 3.

Prices and Charges

The total price is € 57,970.00 (incl. VAT 24%), divided as follows:

  • E1: Signing of the Agreement - 15% of total cost
  • E2: Final testing plan - 20% of total cost
  • E3: Approval testing - 25% of total cost
  • E4: Commissioning - 40% of total cost

Payment is due within 7 days from each stage to ensure timely project progress.

Division of Labor (Based on the Hour Overview):

  • Control + Administration: 10%
  • Definition and Design: 20%
  • Coding and Testing: 50%
  • Documentation: 20%

Supplier Introduction

We, Team Synergy, are a dedicated and experienced group of students committed to delivering high-quality software solutions. Our team's expertise lies in agile software development methodologies, ensuring efficient project execution and timely delivery. With a focus on collaboration and customer satisfaction, we aim to exceed expectations in every project we undertake. For more information or inquiries, please contact us at via Reima Parviainen or

Other Considerations

  • The project scope is limited to JAMK's ICT student courses, ensuring a focused and manageable development environment.
  • User engagement and feedback will be actively encouraged throughout the project lifecycle to ensure alignment with end-user expectations.
  • Regular communication channels will be established between the product owner, designated contact persons from Combitech, and Synergy team members to facilitate seamless collaboration and information exchange.
  • The offer is valid until 01.03.2024., providing some time for consideration and discussion.

We are enthusiastic about the prospect of collaborating with Combitech Oy to enhance the Tukko traffic visualizer and look forward to delivering exceptional results together.

Team Synergy