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Acceptance Test 004:

Test case description The scenario to be tested
Test case ID ACCTEST001
Test case designer XXXX XXX
Creation date X.Y.ABCD
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

The goal of the acceptance test is to ensure that the customer gets what they ordered! Answer the question: Does the component / functionality to be delivered meet the customer's requirements / wishes?

  • Description

Links to requirements or other sources

  • Requirement: [Requirement] ()?
  • Use Case: [Use]?
  • Property: [Property] (


  • Initial situation from which the test starts

The acceptance test includes a broader set, during which the product is examined, for example, from the end user's perspective

Test Steps

Step 1 -> check if ... Step 2 -> check if .. Step 3 -> check at the same time .. Step 4 -> check elsewhere ..

On the other hand, the acceptance test may also include a number of selected use cases that must be feasible. The customer / client may be required to pass the selected use cases as conditions for approval.


What happens after the test?

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

Under what conditions can a test result be accepted and under what conditions is it rejected?

  • PASS condition?