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TR112-001 Testing Results Branding changes to Team and JAMK

Test Result ID TR112-001
Autohor/Designer Ashutosh Burman & Niko Sateff
Date of creation 21-3-2024
Class functional/non-functional/acceptance

Test Case

Test Case

Test Description

This test case ensures the application's branding is consistent with both the team's and JAMK's established brand identities.

Test Result


Chome test result






Not tested

Acceptance Criterias:

  • The application must load successfully in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Opera without any issues.
  • The Synergy and JAMK logos should be clearly visible and adapt responsively when accessed through different browsers.
  • Logos must adjust appropriately for various screen sizes and resolutions, maintaining clarity and aspect ratio.
  • All internal links within the application should be verified to ensure they redirect to the correct pages as intended.
  • Hover titles over links and buttons should display correct information that matches their functionality.
  • The application's layout and elements must respond correctly across a range of devices and resolutions, ensuring a consistent user experience.

Test passed

  • Application functions across Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Opera.
  • Synergy and JAMK logos display correctly and responsively.
  • Links navigate to the correct pages.
  • Hover titles are accurate.
  • Logos for Synergy and JAMK are up-to-date.
  • Tukko Traffic Visualizer updated to v2.0.
  • Web app responsiveness and updates to logos and titles are satisfactory.