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Test Case ID TC407-001
Autohor/Designer Niko Satejeff & Noora Kuikka
Date of creation 08.03.2024
Class Acceptance

Test description / objective

This test case verifies that only authorized users have access to the frontend/backend servers. Additionally, a Lynis scan will check for internal configuration vulnerabilities.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state

  1. The servers are up and running and have been pre-configured with the recommended settings.
  2. Server updates have been downloaded and installed.

Test steps

# Action Expected Result
1 Open a terminal or Putty connection and SSH into the frontend server using username@server-ip The frontend login screen appears and asks for a password
2 Try to do the same with the default root account (e.g. ubuntu) The authentication fails, as root login is denied
3 As a regular user account try to run the sudo su command within the servers or make configuration changes to root documents/directories Permission denied
4 As a regular user account try to cd into the project directory folder and make changes within (e.g. touch newfile.txt) The changes should come into effect, as authorized users have full access to files within the project directory
5 As an administrator account, create a new user, then try to ssh into the server as the user SSH access is denied, as the user account has not been whitelisted in the sshd_config file
6 As an administrator account, create a new user with an empty password and add them to the SSH whitelist Authorization failure, as empty passwords are not allowed
7 Using the pentesting tool Hydra, try to brute-force user account login via SSH Fail2Ban detects multiple failed login accounts and bans the IP address

Additional tests:

  1. Scan the server IP addresses using Nikto and Nessus
  2. Perform an internal scan on the servers using Lynis
  3. Document all vulnerabilities found via the scans

Test end-state

  • Based on test results, fix all issues and re-run the tests until no serious vulnerabilities are found

To be taken into account during test

  • Fail2Ban will ban any IP addresses that it detects attempting brute-force attacks - do not run tests using your regular network IP. Otherwise you will need to whitelist the IP again from within the server.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

Authorization All unauthorized user accounts are denied access via SSH, authorized accounts gain access Unauthorized accounts (e.g. root login) manage to access the servers
Vulnerabilities Vulnerability scanners show no serious warnings or errors Multiple warnings and errors are detected via vulnerability scanners