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Test Case Documentation for Norwegian Localization(FEA305).

Test Case ID TC305-001
Autohor/Designer Ashutosh Burman
Date of creation 22.04.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case aims to ensure the proper implementation of the Norwegian language throughout the application. It verifies that pressing the language button effectively switches the interface to Norwegian, accurately translating all elements.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state - Set-up the test server and start testing

Test steps

  1. Change language to Norwegian by prssing language button
  2. Open lam station and confirm that all description and data is displayed in Norwegian
  3. Then check routes and check all the description and data is displayed in Norwegian
  4. Click History button, and check all the description and data is displayed in Norwegian
  5. Check few more lam station and make sure language is change.

Test end-state

Test case should work prefectly after working on the test case

  • Ensure that users with Norwegian language settings can navigate the application with ease.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The test passes if all application components successfully switch to Norwegian when the language button is pressed.

  • FAIL condition: The test fails if any part of the application remains in the original language after switching to Norwegian.