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Test Case Document for Color Contrast for Color Blindness (FEA110)

Test Case ID TC110-001
Author/Designer Ashutosh, Andreas
Date of creation 05.04.2024
Class Functional

Test Case ID




Test Description / Objective

This test case verifies that the web app's color contrast adjustments for color blindness enhance accessibility, ensuring text readability against background elements for users with color vision deficiencies.

Test Pre-State

  • Start

Test Steps

  1. Activate color contrast mode designed for color blindness.
  2. Navigate through different sections of the platform.
  3. Verify text readability against background elements.
  4. Ensure colors in the color blindness contrast mode are chosen to ensure clarity and distinguishability, preventing confusion between color-coded elements.
  5. Check subtle color adjustments made to enhance visual accessibility while maintaining the platform's aesthetic integrity.
  6. Collect user feedback to ensure the color contrast adjustments effectively accommodate color vision deficiencies.

Test End-State

  • Verify that the color contrast adjustments for color blindness enhance accessibility and readability for users with color vision deficiencies.

To Be Taken Into Account During Test

  • Device and Environment Variability: Color perception can vary based on device settings, screen brightness, and ambient lighting conditions, which may impact the effectiveness of color contrast adjustments.
  • Testing Constraints: Comprehensive testing with users who have color blindness may be limited by resource availability or the representativeness of the sample population, potentially hindering the identification of all usability issues.

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The color contrast adjustments for color blindness enhance accessibility and readability for users with color vision deficiencies.
  • FAIL condition: The color contrast adjustments do not effectively accommodate color vision deficiencies, or user feedback indicates dissatisfaction with the implemented changes.