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Test Case Document for Dark Mode Color Scheme (FEA106)

Test Case ID TC106-001
Autohor/Designer Andreas Kjersheim
Date of creation 25.03.2025
Class functional

Test Case ID




Test Description / Objective

This test case verifies that the dark mode colors are suitable for users, providing a visually appealing and comfortable experience while minimizing eye strain.

Test Pre-State

  • Start

Test Steps

  1. Switch to dark mode.
  2. Navigate through different sections of the platform.
  3. Observe the colors in dark mode.
  4. Test to zoom in and out, and that the map update and has enough color contrast/proper differentiation between map elements.
  5. Verify that the colors do not cause discomfort or strain on the eyes.
  6. Ensure vibrant colors are adjusted to maintain a cohesive and visually appealing appearance.
  7. Collect user feedback to assess satisfaction with the revised color scheme.

Test End-State

  • Verify that the dark mode color scheme enhances user satisfaction and provides a more enjoyable browsing experience.

To Be Taken Into Account During Test

  • Individual preferences regarding color perception may vary.
  • Gather feedback from a diverse group(in-house at first, feedback second) of users to ensure inclusivity.
  • Implement changes to the dark mode color scheme based on user feedback and testing results.

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The dark mode color scheme meets the acceptance criteria and enhances user satisfaction.
  • FAIL condition: The dark mode color scheme causes discomfort or strain on the eyes, or user feedback indicates dissatisfaction with the revised color scheme.