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Product Mind Map

This is a mind map view of the Tukko v1.1 features and their associated functionalities.

Tukko v1.1 Mind Map

All feature functionalities are described below:

Epic 01:

Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side (FEA101)

  • Functionality 1: User interface for comparing different LAM stations side by side.

Implement Web App Accessibility Measures (FEA105)

  • Functionality 1: Implement WCAG 2.2 accessibility measures.
  • Functionality 2: Conduct accessibility testing and address any identified issues.
  • Functionality 3: Ensure proper semantic markup and ARIA attributes.

Improve Dark Mode Colors (FEA106)

  • Functionality 1: Enhance dark mode colors for better visual comfort.

Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness (FEA110)

  • Functionality 1: Provide sufficient color contrast options for users with color blindness.

Change Branding to Team and JAMK Brand (FEA112)

  • Functionality 1: Update branding elements to reflect team and JAMK identity.

Epic 03:

Localization for Swedish (FEA304)

  • Functionality 1: Implement localization for the Swedish language.

Localization for Norwegian (FEA305)

  • Functionality 1: Implement localization for the Norwegian language.

Epic 04:

Regularly Scan for Known Security Vulnerabilities (FEA403)

  • Functionality 1: Regularly scan the codebase and dependencies for known security vulnerabilities.

Enforce Secure Coding Practices (FEA404)

  • Functionality 1: Enforce secure coding practices such as input validation and output encoding.

Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline (FEA405)

  • Functionality 1: Establish an automated security testing pipeline for detecting and reporting security issues.

Harden All the Containers (FEA406)

  • Functionality 1: Harden all Docker containers for enhanced security.

Control Access to the Server (FEA407)

  • Functionality 1: Implement access controls for server security.

Protect Application with Web Application Firewall (FEA409)

  • Functionality 1: Deploy a Web Application Firewall to protect the application from threats.

Epic 05:

Manual Testing (FEA516)

  • Functionality 1: Include exploratory testing in the testing process.

Maintainable Documentation (FEA517)

  • Functionality 1: Ensure documentation is maintainable and easy to update.

All product features can also be listed as below:

Feature Functionalitys Functional Requirement / User Story
Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side (FEA101) User interface for comparison US001, US067, US068
Implement Web App Accessibility Measures (FEA105) WCAG 2.2 compliance US041, US042, US043, US044
Improve Dark Mode Colors (FEA106) Enhanced dark mode US045
Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness (FEA110) Options for color contrast US046
Change Branding to Team and JAMK Brand (FEA112) Branding update US062
Localization for Swedish (FEA304) Swedish language support US058
Localization for Norwegian (FEA305) Norwegian language support US059
Regularly Scan for Known Security Vulnerabilities (FEA403) Security vulnerability scanning US017
Enforce Secure Coding Practices (FEA404) Secure coding practices US018
Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline (FEA405) Automated security testing US019, US022
Harden All the Containers (FEA406) Container hardening US056
Control Access to the Server (FEA407) Server access control US057
Protect Application with Web Application Firewall (FEA409) Web Application Firewall integration US055
Manual Testing (FEA516) Exploratory testing US060 (Excluding US039 Automated testing)
Maintainable Documentation (FEA517) Documentation management US061 (Exluding US040 Documentation of Automated Testing using Robot framework)