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Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side

Author: Muneeb Ali
Version: 1.0
Date: 20.02.2024

User roles

  1. End user
  2. Developer

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Technical requirements are met.
  2. Traffic visualizer should be open.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram Developer –-> make a feature and interface comparing 2 LAM stations –-> push feature to tukko. User --> traffic visualizer --> filter --> compare different LAM stations.

Description of use case

  1. Developer will make a feature and interface.
  2. Developer will incorporate it into tukko.
  3. User will Open traffic visualizer.
  4. User will Click on filter.
  5. User will Click on compare lam stations.
  6. User will Select two or lam stations to compare


  • Only 2 lam stations can be compared at once.


  • LAM stations can be compared side by side.

Use frequency

  • Any time the app is launched / anytime the user want to use the feature.

Additional information

  • No additional info


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.