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Maintainable Documentation (FEA517)

Document Type Feature Description
Feature FEA517
Author Noora Kuikka
Version 0.2
Date 19.02.2024


The feature focuses on ensuring that the documentation associated with the Tukko Traffic Visualizer project is maintainable. This includes the creation and maintenance of documentation that is clear, concise, up-to-date, and easily accessible to all team members and stakeholders. By prioritizing maintainability in documentation practices, the project aims to facilitate effective communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among team members, thereby supporting the long-term development, maintenance, and evolution of the project.

Linked Use Cases Use Case
Linked Requirements ReqID list
User Story ID Description Affected Feature
US061 As a team member I want to have maintainable documentation FEA517

Links to issues:

US061 on Gitlab

Note: Exluding US040 Documentation of Automated Testing using Robot framework, as we are not doing automated testing.


This feature is being implemented in Gitlab Pages using the Open Project Framework (OPF) developed at JAMK.

The template for the documentation format can be found here!

Testing / possible approval criteria

Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Acceptance Test
Functional System Test Case Test Case
Security Test Case Test Case