
Definition of Done (DoD) Template

Feature Name: [Feature Name]

DoD Checklist:

  • [ ] Feature implementation adheres to requirements and specifications.
  • [ ] Code changes have undergone a thorough code review by at least two team members.
  • [ ] Rigorous testing, including unit, integration, and end-to-end testing, has been conducted.
  • [ ] Comprehensive documentation of code changes, processes, and user guides is provided.
  • [ ] Accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2) are met to ensure inclusivity.
  • [ ] Security measures, including regular scans and access controls, are implemented.
  • [ ] User acceptance testing has been performed to gather feedback.
  • [ ] The feature is deployed to a staging environment and tested for production readiness.

Upon starting implementation and discussion on given feature, the DoD Feature document will be linked within the Feature documentation.

  • [ ] Linked feature DoD in specific feature document.

  • [ ] Actively discussed within the sub-project team if we need to add new points. In that case the points are as follows:

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