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Risk Management Plan

Welcome to the risk assessment report for Future Factory Team Synergy This document serves as a comprehensive analysis of potential risks associated with the project, aiming to identify, evaluate, and prioritize these risks to facilitate informed decision-making and proactive risk management strategies. By thoroughly assessing the potential threats and opportunities, we aim to mitigate adverse impacts, enhance project resilience, and ultimately ensure the successful achievement of our objectives. This report outlines the methodology employed, the identified risks categorized by their nature and potential impact, as well as proposed risk mitigation measures and a framework for ongoing risk monitoring and management.

Document Risk Management Plan
Author: Muneeb Ali
Version: 1.0
Date: 12.02.2024

RISK ID Description Severity Probability Responsible Measure
RIS01 Team member gets sick S3 3 Team member Inform beforehand and in case it is severe infrom project manager/client
RIS02 Resource constraints S3 4 team lead, ops Regularly review resource allocation to ensure adequate manpower, time, and budget for project tasks, identify cost-cutting measures, and ask for more resources
RIS03 Poor Communication S3 3 team lead, project manager Establish clear communication channels and protocols within the team, schedule regular team meetings to discuss progress, issues, and encourage open communication and transparency within the team to prevent future breakdowns
RIS04 Difficulties in compatibility between software versions S3 4 dev,test through testing make sure the software is up to date and if needed negotiate with stakeholder for compatible software
RIS05 Performance bottlenecks or scalability issues S3 2 dev,ops Performance testing throughout the development cycle, optimization of code and infrastructure, communication with the client regarding performance goals
RIS06 Testing Challenges S2 3 test Comprehensive test planning, automation of testing processes where possible, and thorough regression testing to ensure all changes are properly tested across different environments
RIS07 Changes in project requirements/objectives S3 4 project manager Perform impact analysis, consult with stakeholders to clarify requirements, and modify project plans as necessary
RIS08 Dependency Risks S2 3 team lead,ops Identification, tracking and documentation of dependencies, proactive management of dependencies, and contingency planning for any potential delays caused by dependencies
RIS09 Security Vulnerabilities S2 4 sec Activate incident response plan, investigate and mitigate the breach. Implementation of security best practices, regular security audits, and penetration testing, and immediate patching of any identified vulnerabilities
RIS10 Scope creep S3 4 project manager Strict scope management, regular stakeholder communication, and documentation of any scope changes with proper approval processes in place.
RIS11 Administrators of services out sick S3 2 project manager In case of sickness or other situations where administrators are unavaliable, Niko Satejeff have also been granted admin access to CSC Frontend and Backend servers.

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according to the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Project progress is affected significantly
S3 Modest impact that is easily managed
S4 Minimal influence, insignificant disruption
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed later

Probability descriptions

The following table shows the probabilty against a number

Probability Number
Very high probability 1
high probability 2
medium probability 3
low probability 4
very low probability 5