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Definition of Done (DoD)

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 21.02.2024

Version: 1.1

DOD = Definition of Done

In our Tukko v1.1 project, ensuring a clear understanding of completion criteria is vital for delivering high-quality software. Our Definition of Done (DoD) outlines the specific criteria and steps that must be fulfilled before considering a feature or task complete.

Here are the key components of our Definition of Done for Tukko v1.1:

Feature Implementation: The feature implementation must adhere to the agreed-upon requirements and specifications outlined in the feature documentation. All feature documentation is linked within the product requirement section.

Code Review: All code changes undergo a thorough review process by at least two team members to ensure adherence to coding standards, best practices, and maintainability. The issue board and created issues linked to features will be the primary discussion section for feedback on-the-go. Test templates and documentations as such will provide more feedback.

Testing: Rigorous testing is conducted, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing, to validate the functionality, performance, and reliability of the feature. The Master Test plan outlines this further.

Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is essential. We document code changes, processes, and user guides to facilitate understanding, maintenance, and future enhancements.

Security Measures: Security measures, including regular security scans, adherence to secure coding practices, and implementation of access controls, are enforced to protect against vulnerabilities and threats. We are using the GitLab services as well as CSC services, and are all responsible for following guidelines and regulation.

User Acceptance: User acceptance testing is performed to gather feedback from stakeholders and end-users, ensuring that the feature meets their expectations and needs.

Deployment Readiness: The feature is deployed to a staging environment in CSC, and possibly others, and thoroughly tested by the team to ensure readiness for production deployment.

Our DoD for Tukko v1.1 ensures that we maintain high-quality standards, align with project objectives, and deliver value to our users. It serves as a reference for our team to uphold consistency and completeness in our deliverables.

For each feature and major development within the project, a template for the DoD has been created. You can find the template here.