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Communication Plan

Document Communication Plan
Author(s): Noora Kuikka
Version: 0.5
Date: 05.02.2024


The purpose of this communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels to be utilized by team Synergy for the Tukko Traffic Visualizer Future Factory project.

The aim is to ensure clear and efficient communication between all team members, stakeholders, and external parties involved in the project.


  1. Synergy team members:
Name Role
Andreas Kjersheim Team Leader
Noora Kuikka Security/Admin
Ashutosh Burman Developer
Niko Satejeff Tester
Ali Syed Muhammad Muneeb General/Admin
Markus Suonio Operations
  1. Coaches and mentors:

The coaches will offer general guidance to teams during the project.

  • Marko Rintamäki (Scrum Master/Coach)
  • Marika Matalamäki (Peer Coach)
  • Iina Pirinen (Peer Coach)
  • Aarne (Peer Coach)

Additionally role based tribes will be organized on Discord with experienced mentors available to answer questions and troubleshoot issues:

Name Tribe
Justus Hänninen DEV
Karri SEC
Iftakhar Husan DEV
Minttu - Gofore Agile
Matti - Gofore Agile
Alena Galysheva TEST
Sleemon General
Sami - ACN SEC
Iiro - Solita SEC
Lauri Kuuva DEV
  1. Stakeholder representatives:
  • Reimo Parviainen (Product Owner)

Reimo Parviainen will act as the liaison between the team and the client organization, Combitech.

  • Sini Karvonen (Scrum Master @ Combitech)
  • Jarmo Luostarinen (Scrum Master @ Combitech)
  1. Other external stakeholders:
  • Combitech (Customer Organization)
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Future Factory organizer)

General Communications Channels

The main communication channels that we will utilize include:

  • Discord: primarily used for communication between team members, as well as mentors and Future Factory coaches.

  • Teams: for use in video meetings between team members.

  • Zoom: used by coaches and mentors to relay information to Future Factory participants.

Written Communication Models

  • Discord channels will be organized for internal written discussions between team members, as well as public channels for sharing information between between mentors and other teams.
  • Teams will be used for storing shared files and documents.

Internal Communications

  • Daily Scrum: this will be a 15min meeting held at 9am on Mondays and Fridays to discuss the progress of individual members since the last meeting, share ideas and challenges, as well as plan the tasks for the day.

  • Sprint Planning: at the beginning of every sprint a meeting will be held to assess the objectives and workload for the sprint duration.

  • Retro Meeting: the retro meeting will be held by the team at the end of each sprint. The aim of the meeting will be to reflect on the progress that has been made, identify challenges and opportunities for improvement, and make an action plan for the following sprint iteration.

Open Communication Lines:

If necessary, team meetups can be organized in the Relaamo facilities near the Dynamo campus on Piippukatu.

Communications with Coaches

  • Scheduled meetings will be organized with coaches and mentors for guidance, feedback and assistance using Zoom.

  • Specialized Discord channels facilitate contact with tribe assigned mentors, and general channels can be used for communication with coaches.

Communications with Stakeholder Representatives

  • Reimo Parviainen (Product Owner): will faciliate the exchange of communications between the customer representatives of Combitech (Sini Karvonen & Jarmo Luostarinen).
  • He will also be in charge of inviting key stakeholders to the sprint review.
  • He can be reached via the Future Factory Discord server.

  • Sprint Review: at the end of each sprint, a review session will be held between the Scrum team and other key stakeholders in order to inspect the outcome of the sprint and determine future adaptations.
  • All issues that are awaiting review will be individually assessed to ensure they meet the "definition of done" before they can be closed.
  • The team will demonstrate the work they have done during the sprint, and answer questions from stakeholders.
  • The product backlog may also be revised in preparation for the next sprint iteration.

Communications with External Stakeholders

  • TBA

Monitoring and Evaluation of Communications

  • Communication methods will be regularly reviewed by members of the team to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Iterative adjustments will be made to the communication plan based on feedback from the team and the status of the project.