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Status Page Sprint 05

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 05.04.2024

Version: 0.2

Gitlab Board and Issues

Sprint 05 - SYNERGY

Initial plan this sprint was as following:

Primary focus this initial part of the sprint will be:

- FEA405 Testing on monday 25.03.2025.
- FEA403 Work commences by Noora. 
- Tukko Backend needs a helping hand, Niko is on the job initially on monday. 
- [FEA110 Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness]( will be the main focus for Ashutosh, Markus & Ali first week of sprint 05.
- [FEA106 Improve Dark Mode Colors]( will be started by Andreas. 

Focus area initially, follow the [implementation guide]( and if needed the guide to [set up branches]( locally for work on the development side of the userstories. We are as agreed having the feature issues listed - but only with links to the required information and documents. We use the user story issues as a main workflow item, and follow the naming rules as seen in the implementation guide & previously added branches. 

**Remember to check your current branch when you start working to ensure you do not commit any changes to the main that are un-wanted! If you do, there is info how to un-do that in the branching guide**

If you are working on a new branch, make sure it is updated as needed. 

For the second part of sprint 05, we focused on getting an image over the project currently. Andreas and Ashutosh worked on two UI/UX userstories connected the the features FEA106 dark mode colors and FEA110 Color contrast for color blindness.

Ali were ideating content for the demo day issue, team website issue and embedded team videos.

Noora and Niko were continuing work with FEA403, as Noora and Niko were covering US017 and US022 last week. Markus was given the task of creating a Test Case connected to FEA403's userstory017.

As the easter holidays ate most of the sprint, we had yet again a period with very limited time resources avaliable. The roadmap has been updated to fit the features as good as we can, and some changes have been made on the go in terms of responsibles and who have time availiable to work on features and userstories. We have focused on having a simple initial feature issue as heading - and a userstory issue as the main work flow item. When userstories have been planned, designed, implemented and peer-reviewed, we have created a testing issue connected to the feature and userstory - and at that point moved the issues to the ready for testing flow column.


Completed features

  • FEA405 Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline

Ready for testing

  • FEA106 Improve Dark Mode Colors
  • FEA110 Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness

Work in progress

  • FEA403 Regularily Scan for Known Security Vulnerabilities

    • This feature is almost implemented, but we want to add ZAP as an additional tool which is being worked on by Niko today friday 05.04.2024.
  • FEA409 Web Application Firewall



Next Steps:

  • Initial focus next sprint is to finish the demo page, update the team website according to current solution and status, as well as including videos and media for our team and work so far.

  • FEA406 Harden all the containers

  • FEA101 Compare Different LAM stations side by side
  • FEA105 Implement Web App Accessibility Measures
  • FEA404 Enforce Secure Coding Practices


In Sprint 05, our team made significant strides in enhancing the accessibility and user experience of our web application. We prioritized features aimed at improving usability, particularly focusing on accommodating users with specific needs such as color blindness. Andreas and Ashutosh dedicated their efforts to refining the UI/UX aspects associated with FEA106 Dark Mode Colors and FEA110 Color Contrast for Color Blindness.

Meanwhile, Ali focused on conceptualizing content for various project-related issues and embedding team videos. Noora and Niko continued their work on FEA403, with Markus contributing by creating a test case linked to a specific user story within this feature.

Despite encountering challenges due to time constraints, we successfully completed FEA405 Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline and progressed significantly with several other features, including FEA106 and FEA110, which are now ready for testing. Looking ahead, our focus in the next sprint will be to finalize the demo page, update the team website, and incorporate multimedia elements showcasing our team's work and achievements.

Additionally, we plan to advance with other essential features such as FEA406 Harden all the containers, FEA101 Compare Different LAM stations side by side, FEA105 Implement Web App Accessibility Measures, and FEA404 Enforce Secure Coding Practices to further enhance the security and functionality of our application.