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Status Page Sprint 04

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 25.03.2024

Version: 1.0

Gitlab Board and Issues

Sprint 04 - SYNERGY

After having a short sprint previously, we started sprint 04 with a quick overview over the last items we have worked with, and a focus on particularily branching strategy and acceptance criterias. As we have decided to make use of the userstories as workflow items, rather than the feature-issues, we are delegating the sub-groups that work on the given feature to also update the needed issues and documentation.

Branch Management Protocol:

Main Branch (Developer):
    Contains all implemented features that have undergone testing.
    Default branch for pull requests and pushing changes.

Feature Branch Creation:
    Create a new branch when implementing a feature.
    Branch names should reflect the contents and purpose, e.g., "darkmode-and-branding-FEA106-FEA112".
    We want to restrict how many branches we use, and work hard to keep the history clear and clean. IF YOU ARE WORKING ON 2 USERSTORIES that INCLUDES THE SAME FILES TO BE
    CHANGED, you might want to create a "darkmode-and-branding-FEA106-FEA112-dev1" and "darkmode-and-branding-FEA106-FEA112-dev2" branch in addition to the above "darkmode-

Development Workflow:

Test code changes and implementations locally. Draft internal and external feature documentation. Define use cases. Define test cases, create test issues, and assign them to testers.

Merge Request Process:
    Send a merge request from the feature branch to a dedicated "Quality Assurance / Testing" branch.
    Optionally, create a hotfix branch for rapid issue resolution, linked to CSC testing machine.

Approval and Integration:
    After testing and approval, send a merge request to the main branch.

Release Management:
    Create a "Release" branch for final feature releases.
    Output the Release branch to the CSC release machine.

Merge Request Protocol:
    Ensure merge requests are reviewed by multiple individuals.
    Merging requires verification of code changes and functionality by several team members.

Feature Implementation Workflow:

Review Feature Documentation:
    Utilize OPF (core project documentation) to review details of "FeatureX."
    Assess the need for improvements in the main feature document based on user stories and their coverage.

Sprint Planning:
    Identify the user story corresponding to "FeatureX" and ensure it is included in the current sprint.
    Assign the user story to relevant team members and define tasks for each member.
    Establish acceptance criteria for the user story in Room-3 discussions.

Update Core Documentation:
    Ensure that the USECASE document in OPF is written and maintained for "FeatureX."
    Collaborate with assigned sub-team members to collectively execute steps 1-3 and ensure clarity on individual responsibilities.

External Documentation Management:
    Update the "FeatureX" document in OPF concurrently with implementation, considering external stakeholders.
    Create additional documentation as necessary in .TXT format within the 80-Documents-and-reporting section.

Test Case Development:
    Develop comprehensive test cases required for validating the implemented feature.

Testing Process:
    Upon feature implementation, create a TEST-ISSUE and assign it to designated testers.
    Testers review the test-issue, read associated test cases, and document test results in the TestResult folder within OPF, excluding sensitive information.
    Provide feedback via comments in the user story issue, initiating a cycle of implementation adjustments and retesting as needed.

Completion and Review:
    Once testing confirms feature readiness, move the user story and associated test issue (and the feature issue if all user stories are completed) to the waiting_review column.

Additional Resources:

Refer to the general guidelines for feature implementations available at Features Implementation Guidelines



We have ways to go with communication & initiative for finding tasks for individual members. If in doubt - check current issues and the feature implementation document which holds information about responsibles for each feature, and ask the team using discord or teams.

Next Steps:

Primary focus next week will be:

  • FEA405 Testing on monday 25.03.2025.
  • FEA403 Work commences by Noora on monday.
  • Tukko Backend needs a helping hand, Niko is on the job initially on monday.
  • FEA110 Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness will be the main focus for Ashutosh, Markus & Ali first week of sprint 05.


All in all the sprint started well, but was somewhat challenging the last week. Andreas and Noora were 100% off due to a hard hitting flu. Niko was preoccupied with another project on monday, and generally this last week did not see much work done untill friday 22.03.2024.