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Status Page Sprint 03

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 11.03.2024

Version: 1.0

Gitlab Board and Issues

Sprint 03 - SYNERGY

This sprint is shortened due to the winter holiday last week, so we have one week duration to get started on the implementation and work as outlined in the roadmap. Initially we had a meeting monday 04th of March where we discussed the current project state as well as divided the current issues for Sprint 03 amongst ourselves.

As a summary, and we did not take meeting notes during this meeting unlike some previous meetings as we had an open discussion about the next phase.

1. Ashu & Niko, and I can also review the issue - discuss bug-reporting and needed documents/folder structure in our opf/core repo and document a test bug based on Tukko v1.0, use room-1.
2. Andreas & Noora, Andreas will check current user stories and add those that Noora listed to the US-issues and check if there are further updates from the product owner at the current stage of the course. Noora will review the added changes that Andreas documents and adds.
3. Andreas will create a new issue "Initial Feature Planning Meeting" - or something along those lines. Ashutosh & Markus will check the issue as I describe it and create a document in opf/core project at a given location, which can be used as a template for all initial feature meetings the group have. I will link the issue here after I have created it, please give confirmation that you saw it at that point.
3b. Within this feature I will also add a proposal/information about who should work on which feature, and I suggest we do the ones who do NOT work on the given feature should be the ones to test it. This will also be needed to be added as information in the 3. template.
4. Niko & Ashutosh will check the issues in regard to the test design and verification.
5. We will discuss creation of additional issues per feature that is needed, and particularily Ali will look into that first.

In addition, we discussed how and in which way we can start working on the features - where the end deliverables are implemented code, documentation describing the feature, additionally needed documents, testing and also documentation related to testing and feedback on this. Andreas added some preliminary thoughts of how we could "plan to plan" the implementation and testing, as can be read from issue 153.

As a test regard to bugs, Niko and Ashutosh started the sprint by reviewing what we need to add so we could create a bug test based on Tukko v1.0, and add documents and see how we can describe this properly. This will be further discussed in issue 141.


Defined the features as feature issues, but moving on to making use of the user stories as work-flow items. The feature issues will work as topics and main focus areas that needs to follow the flow alongside its sub-items. We delegated features and testing-responsibilities to for each feature and userstory to sub-groups in our project team.

CSC servers are re-created with secure user authentication, and amongst other things disabling root access. Already over the weekend to sprint 04, we got notifications of unauthorized attempts to log in as root.


Alotted time this sprint was 1 week, so realistically we had 2 days of work and some hours in between. We focused on preparing and making examples for us to use in the other implementations following sprint 03.

We make sure that vital information like user accounts and similar are with restricted view as team only information. Some changes to hide published pages were done, by changing from .md to .txt. Further considerations on this topic ensues.

Next Steps:

Implementation phase commences fully in sprint 04.


As of having the focus on implementations this sprint was very short and a challenge. We ended up reviewing the roadmap and adjusting the features to more realistic times, as we are still quite restricted to using the mondays and fridays as primary working days. We had a focus on setting up one feature - namely feature 407, controlling the access to the server, in a good way. We ended up the week/sprint03 by deciding the following process when working on features:

OPF = the 'core' project documentation

  1. See featureX (document in OPF), do we need to improve the main feature document? If yes do it based on the user stories and what they cover.
  2. Find the user story that belongs to that feature and make sure it is listed in our current sprint, alongside the feature we are implementing. Assign the user story to those working on it. Define tasks for each group member. Define the acceptance criteria for each user story/as we discuss currently(? I only see Noora discussing there atm so please, do your part) in room-3.
  3. Make sure the USECASE (document in OPF) of the feature is written and updated.
  4. Meet with the sub-team members that are assigned to working with the feature/userstory, and do all the above 1-3 together. Make sure all understand what they each need to do.
  5. Update the featureX (document in OPF) while working on the implementation. This is ment as an EXTERNAL document for stakeholders also outside our group. If you need additional documentation, make them as .TXT files in the 80-Documents-and-reporting section.
  6. Write the test case needed for testing the feature
  7. When the user story and test cases connected to a feature is implemented, create the TEST-ISSUE and assign it to the people who are listed as testers for that feature.
  8. Testers need to check the test-issue, then read the test-case and start a document in the TestResult (OPF folder). Do not document information-sensitive aspects there. remember - all .md files are automatically published on our pages. .txt files will not be published and are not viewable on the pages.
  9. Once the testing is done, give feedback in terms of comments in the userstory issue that you have been testing. Developers of the feature/userstory will read and check if we need to add more implementation and fixing. and then a new round of testing. Once it is all good, move the userstory + test issue of user story (and if all userstories of one feature is completed, also the feature issue) to the waiting_review column.