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Status Page Sprint 02

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 23.02.2024

Version: 1.2

Gitlab Board and Issues

Sprint 02 - SYNERGY

Sprint 02 is nearing its end. We are now entering a crucial phase as we approach Gate 1 on 23.02.2024. During this sprint, our primary focus is to plan the functionality, design and implementation of selected features into Tukko v1.0, which will be upgraded to Tukko v1.1. Remaining challenges and opportunities will be discussed in fridays sprint review!

The chosen features are categorized under different epics, as follows:

Epic 01:

  • FEA101 Compare Different LAM Stations Side by Side
  • FEA104 Visualize Analyzed Data in User-Friendly Formats
    • As of 22.02.2023 we are discussing the contents of this feature and whether or not to keep it in the offer.
  • FEA105 Implement Web App Accessibility Measures
  • FEA106 Improve Dark Mode Colors
  • FEA110 Enhance Color Contrast for Color Blindness
  • FEA112 Change Branding to Team and JAMK Brand

Epic 03:

  • FEA304 Localization for Swedish
  • FEA305 Localization for Norwegian

Epic 04:

  • FEA403 Regularly Scan for Known Security Vulnerabilities
  • FEA404 Enforce Secure Coding Practices
  • FEA405 Implement Automated Security Testing Pipeline
  • FEA406 Harden All the Containers
  • FEA407 Control Access to the Server
  • FEA409 Protect Application with Web Application Firewall

Epic 05:

  • FEA516 Manual Testing
  • FEA517 Maintainable Documentation

Additionally, there is consideration for FEA102, which seems doable and interesting, but may be too time-consuming. We will assess its feasibility as the project progresses. Furthermore, the addition of user accounts without new features within the accounts may not be practical; hence, we may need to add more features to justify their inclusion. We will discuss these aspects as the project develops.


Feature Selection: The features to be implemented in Tukko v1.1 have been chosen, categorized under different epics for clarity and organization.

Documentation Review: A review of project documentation has been conducted to ensure alignment with project objectives and upcoming tasks.

Initial Setup: Initial setup steps for implementing the selected features have been initiated, laying the groundwork for development and testing.


Challenges specific to Sprint 02 will be identified and addressed promptly to ensure smooth progress towards Gate 1.

Next Steps:

In preparation for Gate 1, our primary objectives include:

  • [X] Finalize the roadmap plan for selected features.

    • [X] Add Epics and create Roadmap
    • [X] Discuss & decide timeline and responsibles for each feature
  • [ ] Finalize Documentation for this sprint:

    • [X] Project Plan
    • [X] Product Requirement Specification Main Document
    • [X] Primary Features Documentation
    • [X] Risk Management Plan
    • [X] Mindmap of the product features
    • [ ] Offer
    • [X] Communication Plan
    • [X] Team Introduction Pages
    • [X] Status Pages
  • [X] Cost estimation in the project plan and offer

  • [X] Mock-ups for UI/UX features
  • [X] Evaluate need for topology charts or system models for backend and security changes
  • [X] Address any technical challenges or dependencies encountered during implementation.
  • [X] Conduct regular progress reviews and adjustments to ensure alignment with project goals.


Sprint 02 is continuing with clear objectives and a focused approach towards implementing key features in Tukko v1.1. As we progress through the sprint, we remain committed to delivering high-quality work and meeting project milestones effectively. Collaboration and communication within the team will be essential in addressing challenges and ensuring successful outcomes. While everyone is working in multiple projects, we are trying to find solutions of alternative times and days to cooperate and move forward, as well as the majority of the group remaining active on the primary mondays and fridays.

Particular focus early sprint has been to choose the features that, based on resources and our current skillset, can be implemented. Creating a roadmap timelining these features and adding the project plan and different documentation for Tukko v1.1 is a high priority, as well as finalizing the offer documentation.

Later in the sprint we had a shift to complete the project plan, product requirement specifications and test some ideas for prototypes of the features we have chosen. While some items are still not yet ticked off on the list, these will be our focus prior to ending the sprint.