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Status page Sprint 01

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 09.02.2024

Version: 1.1

Gitlab Board and issues

Sprint 01 Introduction - SYNERGY

As we embark on Sprint 01, we continue our journey in the Future Factory 2024 project. This sprint follows the introductory phase of Sprint 00, during which we initiated our project. Now, in Sprint 01, we are building upon the foundation we laid in the previous sprint to further propel our project forward.

During this phase, our focus remains on understanding our customer, Combitech, and leveraging the resources provided by our CSC partners. The groundwork established in Sprint 00 has set the stage for our project's progress. With a clear vision and well-defined objectives, we are prepared to dive deeper into project management and development.

As we advance through Sprint 01, our team is dedicated to gathering crucial insights, defining project requirements, and refining our approach. With Sprint 00 behind us, we are ready to take on new challenges and continue our journey towards innovation and achievement in Future Factory 2024. Stay tuned for updates as we work diligently to turn our ideas into reality.


Homepage Updates: We have deployed our initial design of the teams webpage, listed above. This is a dynamic part of the project, as many other sets of documentation. Changes will be added and information updated as we develop our ideas and creativity!

We have had good progress on the project plan, the product specification requirements, team pages and the start of documenting the project. Having spent a considerable time testing CSC and setting up virtual machines, a sub-project group have set up and tested Tukko both locally and on CSC. We had some challenges to get the backend and frontend to communicate. As we progressed, we have found a way to set up a subnet within the services of which we can use for this challenge, and are currently setting up the logical topology and configurating the CSC service.

During sprint 01 we spent time going through all features advocated from the product owner Reima Parviainen, where we assessed the technical difficulty of each and set up a preliminary table of chosen features. The team did its last research on some selected features, like setting up secure user accounts & the issues within Epic 02. We will discuss these during the start of sprint 02 to start adding and planning the work with our features.


Challenges faced during Sprint 01 will be documented and updated based on insights gathered from our Daily Scrums and ongoing issue/task discussions.

Next Steps:

Looking ahead to Sprint 02 & GATE 1, our primary focus will be:

  • [X] Project Plan
  • [X] Requirement Specification
  • [X] Communication Plan
  • [ ] Risk Management Plan
  • [ ] Offer
  • [ ] Feature RoadMap
  • [X] Team Pages
  • [X] Team Status Pages
  • [ ] Get a running version of Tukko v1.0, BE and FE, on a CSC Virtual Machine
  • [ ] Get a running version of Tukko using Docker containers, on a CSC Virtual Machine


All in all we had a good sprint, managing to do a lot of testing of CSC and Tukko as well as documenting the project initially with the project plan and plan for communication, setting up the product requirement specificaion and got progress in chosing features.

The team have been consistently communicating as planned, and we are trying to be flexible as much as we can allow for all of us combined. If challenges have emerged we have discussed and found ideas for solutions. We have added some other tools as a group like Figma which we will make further use of next sprint alongside the planning of the features in time for the offer.