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Status page Sprint 00

Author: Andreas Kjersheim

Updated: 26.01.2024

Version: 1.3, final.

Gitlab Board and issues

Sprint 00 Review - SYNERGY

Sprint 00 marked the beginning of our project management and development course, Future Factory 2024. It was an introductory phase where we laid the foundation for our project and familiarized ourselves with essential tools and materials. Here's a comprehensive review of the progress made during this sprint and areas for improvement.


Team Formation: We successfully formed our project team, "SYNERGY," with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. A team leader was selected to provide guidance and direction.

Project Environment Setup: We established our project working environment, combining OPF+SITES, to ensure a smooth workflow for development.

Gitlab Board and Issues: Our Gitlab board was set up, and we added Sprint 0 issues to initiate task tracking and project management.

Milestones and Schedule: We defined milestones and a schedule for the project, providing a clear roadmap for our work ahead.

Homepage Development: Initial versions of the "site" and "core" pages for our project's homepage were created. Design alternatives for "site" pages were explored.

CSC Account Setup: Necessary CSC accounts were created, with Noora as the CSC Project Manager, and Ali receiving administrator rights alongside her.

CSC User Account Creation: User accounts were created for several team members, ensuring they had the necessary permissions and access.

Combitech: Initial research on the customer and assignment have been done by the team, personally and in team-meetings.


Profile Images: We faced challenges with obtaining and adding profile images for all team members, with some members yet to provide their photos.

Slow Progress on Issue Board: Initially, we experienced slower progress on the issue board, but significant improvements were made towards the end of the sprint.

Next Steps:

Looking ahead to Sprint 01, our primary focus will be:

Homepage Updates: We plan to continue updating the project homepage, both "site" and "core" pages, ensuring they are well on their way with updates and plans for both sections.

Status Page Updates: The status page, like this review, will be updated to reflect our progress and goals for the upcoming sprint.

Assignment "Clear": As far as the information received during Sprint 00 allows, we aim to be fully prepared to continue our work in Sprint 01.


Sprint 00 served as a foundational period for our project. We successfully formed our team, established essential project management tools, and initiated the development of our project homepage. While we encountered challenges related to profile images and the issue board, significant progress was made in addressing them.

The sprint provided valuable insights into project management methodologies, customer information, and team dynamics. Our commitment to daily scrums and lectures helped us stay aligned and informed.

As we move into Sprint 01, we aim to build upon the groundwork laid during Sprint 00, ensuring that our project progresses smoothly, and we continue to grow as an effective and collaborative team.